
Makers of Sport Podcast #17
"The number one thing that we have to do in life, is be humble and learn that we have so much we can improve on...if you take off a little small thing here and there that you probably can improve, that's where you make the big gains. It's not one thing, it's always a number of little things. You scrape away, you scrape away, you scrape away – next you thing you know, you made a big dent."
Matt Walker of Walk Design joins the show this week to talk about designing for the multi-million dollar fantasy sports industry. You may know him for his work on the Fantasy Sports line at ESPN, including the ESPN Tournament Challenge app, as well as the ESPN Fantasy Football iPad app.
Matt's been working in interactive design since its infancy and up until mid-2014 was lead creative for ESPN's Fantasy Sports division.
In this interview, we jump right in discussing digital design and the things that accompany it – including designing in code vs. designing in Photoshop, idea execution, wireframing, staying up-to-date with technology, over-designing, the perfect world's digital process and more.
Matt and I also do a deep dive on what it takes to be professional consultant versus a freelancer or technician and touch on the tactic of positioning one's self to solve business problems rather than being a gun-for-hire.
Finally we touch on the heated topic of ideas, their worthlessness without execution and just going out there on the Internet and starting something.
Show Notes:
- Walk Design
- Matt on Twitter
- 2013 ESPN Fantasy Football iPad App
- Massimo Vignelli
- Helvetica, The Documentary
- Joe Bosack
- Dan Simon, Studio Simon
- Rickabaugh Graphics
- Zach Grantham, Eden Creative
- Continuity Control where Matt just became VP of Design
The next show's guests are principal & creative director, Bill Frederick, as well as senior designer & new media director, Michael Raisch of New Jersey sports branding agency, Fanbrandz.